Hello and Welcome

 I'm not a huge blogger. Or really, any kind of blogger at all. But I will try to keep a running blog of the big stuff going on with my Catamaran build. 

I'll probably also tell stories. That's just kind of how I roll.

Here are the hull shapes:

    First, the boat from Starboard. I've taken some inspiration from Hawaiian canoes. I paddled canoe for Keoua on the Big Island in the early 80s (12 As and 14). My parents paddled competitively for many years so I grew up down Honaunau, now famously known as 'Two Step'.

    Sideyard will be lashed together like the boats I grew up in. I remember watching Calvin Kelekolio, a legendary coach and waterman, lash together one of the club's canoes. I can still see his burnished, waterman's hands and how incredibly tightly the men tied that boat together.

This last image is of hull shape 5 from behind the stern and from forward. It would be a very slick boat built for a Spartan crew. But once arrived the huge deck would provide ample room for comfortable camping. Especially if there's a hot water shower. And, there has to be a hotwater shower, no matter what, or the boat won't get built. 

